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Case Studies
The Fry has been fortunate recently to have received a number of works by Isabel Rawsthorne from the estate of Warwick Llewellyn Nicholas, Isabel’s brother. However, after many years in storage they were not in condition to be displayed.
The Red Biba Rose made from fibre-glass was originally one of a number of flower sculptures made by Andrew Logan for the Biba Department store in Kensington, London, which opened in 1973. It was rescued from this site and moved to the museum in Berriew, Powys, where it was situated to the front on the museum building.
Auchindrain came to AIM after a poor relationship with their revenue sponsor had brought the museum team to a low ebb. Working with Prospering Boards consultant Ruth Lesirge, the team found new confidence, which has transformed their outlook. We spoke to Bob Clark, Director of Auchindrain, to find out more.
Whilst addressing the resilience of Barnsley Museums and Heritage Trust (BMHT) in response to the pandemic, issues around diversity and succession planning within the current Board of Trustees were identified. In order to address these issues and strengthen the board and support future sustainability, BMHT sought support from AIM Prospering Boards.
The aim of our project was to conserve and restore two beautiful 1920’s dresses from the museum’s collection and to shine a spotlight on women’s history, away from the well know industrial heritage of the town.
The Archimedes Screw Pump is displayed in the open, under a specially constructed shelter. Although this protects it from the worst of the winter rain, the screw has still been exposed to the elements and been a home for nesting birds and animals.
We have a more vibrant, modern image in everything we offer from events information to fundraising materials. We feel that it has revitalised us – given us a real sense of moving forwards into the future.
We applied for the AIM grant to increase sustainable income streams via both online sales and to increase annual Memberships with a dedicated Coordinator post for one year.
We applied to AIM for support to employ a fundraising tutor to help us improve our skill set, give us the confidence to complete more complex application forms and help us to be more methodical in our fundraising. We held face to face training sessions for volunteers and trustees and were pointed towards additional funding training.